[ETNEWS] SECUANDB Crime and Fire Prevention Solution Exhibition at G-Fair Korea

26 Sep 2022

SECUANDB (CEO Lee Jae-won), a disaster and safety solution company, will display IoT-based disaster safety products with KT at 2017 G-FAIR KOREA, which is being held in KINTEX, Ilsan from the 1st to the 4th.

The crime prevention solution introduced by SECUANDB is an IoT-based product that detects a scream and automatically reports it to 112.When a scream is detected in a crime-prone area, CCTV detects it and transmits video still cuts and sound source files through an LTE router to support quick action.It was selected as a Biz Collaboration project supported by KT and the Gyeonggi Center for Creative Economy and Innovation.

When a fire breaks out in a traditional market, a complex fire sensor that can detect fireworks, smoke, and temperature is operated, and related information is immediately transmitted through a gateway to a central server to minimize fire damage.

It is also promoting access control products such as automatic opening and closing of emergency doors on the rooftop and smart ID cards.Recently, SECUANDB was selected as a promising small and medium-sized company in Gyeonggi Province and selected for the Good Company Award.

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